
Hey there, sis! Welcome to our savings sanctuary! We’re so happy you found us, and promise your wallet and your bank account will be happy as well. We’re The Savings Sisters – just two sisters who share our love of all things budget friendly with our friends and family and decided to take this thing public to help other #budgetbaddies live their lives to the fullest without spending an astronomical amount.

 You know the Instagram life you see your friends living but you know they live in their parents house still and don’t have a job? Yeah, we’re not going to teach you how to do that – that’s the slacker way. We’re here to help you become financially free and secure the right way, through education, planning, and preparedness. Smart financial decisions, investments and savings, even if in small amounts, will help you get out of debt and get on your way to living the life you always dreamed of. Oh, and don’t forget some budget fashion finds! We will find you tons of deals on fashion and home decor, provide you tips and tricks for affordable date night options, and more. Plus we even will try products and give you our honest feedback, so you don’t have to waste money frivolously spending! You’re welcome. 

So play around and don’t forget to Join our Sisterhood and follow us on Instagram! Come say hi, we love to connect. 

Meet the Sisters


Meighan is the oldest sister - a marketer by day, micro-influencer by night. She is the glue that holds us together! Definitely the bigger spender of the two sisters, but self taught in the best bargains to hunt for and the deals to discover. A gluten-free girl living in Connecticut with her husband and two pups, Bailey and Jameson.


Brianna is our budget baddie extraordinaire! While most of her family thinks she frugal, she knows she is wise beyond her years and financially savvy, and wants to share her secrets with everyone. From favorite books to favorite methods of paying down loans, she's got you covered, sis! Currently she is residing in Uruguay, finding the best international hot spots for low, low prices with her dog, Pancho.

Join The Sisterhood!