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Word on the (Color) Street

We know, we’re probably the LAST people on earth to try Color Street. But, we just LOVE the experience of going to get a manicure. However, sometimes our schedules don’t allow for time at the salon, and neither do our bank accounts.

Enter Color Street – nail stickers made of real nail polish so they are supposed to be less damaging to your nails and last longer than polish. Well, we can tell you the hype may in fact be real! We have tried nail stickers before but none that have been as user friendly as these. Plus, one set is only $11!

While all stickers come with a bit of a learning curve to make sure your nails look flawless, they are pretty easy and there is no drying time. Just be sure you stretch it over the nail while pushing down to avoid wrinkles and air bubbles!

We chose a few fall colors so that our nails will look festive and we can save money on a manicure until 2021 at the earliest! Have you tried Color Street before? Let us know about your experience, or any other low cost manicure ideas!