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Curly Girl Transformation

We both have had curly hair our entire lives, but did not know how to properly take care of our luscious locks until recently. Brianna always had fine, frizz-less waves and curls that fell nicely but had no volume. Meighan was the total opposite – volume, frizz, and coarse curls galore. Not knowing how to properly care for our hair led to years of heat styling and eventually hair loss/breakage. Enter: The Curly Girl Method.

If you have heard of #curlygirlmethod before, you likely know its where people give up shampoo for a “no poo” style treatment, but may not know much else. That was us too! Meighan began looking into this method seriously around October 2018. She noticed clumps of hair would fall out when she showered, even though she was not washing her hair daily. After looking into a few options, she decided to try to tame her natural curls until her wedding in August of 2019. She made an appointment at a local DevaSalon in Connecticut to pick the stylists brain and learn all about her hair. It was an incredibly informative experience, and the first time anyone has ever dont a dry cut on her head.

After her experience, she began experimenting with curly hair products at home, completely purging herself of all hair care to date. Through trial and error, she was able to get some curl definition with slightly less frizz than before, and in a matter of weeks she was well on her way to finding her first wash routine.

2 months in to Meighan’s curly girl journey

During this time, she talked to Brianna about her experience. While Brianna’s hair is completely different than hers, she knows that there is a curl pattern and she might benefit from a Devacut as well. Brianna ended up going to get her hair cut in early 2019 by a Deva certified stylist, and began experimenting with curly hair products as well.

While we are both still in the transformation process, and occasionally still use heat styling tools so we are not full curly girl, we have seen a dramatic increase in the texture and style of our hair. Our curls are fresh and full of life, which was never the case before.

Brianna’s pre- and post- curly girl method transformation
Meighan’s pre- and post-curly girl method transformation

Now, it is not uncommon for curly hair products to be well over $20 a bottle. The price alone could deter someone from trying to achieve healthier, natural hair. Plus, with a curly lifestyle comes some lifestyle changes like replacing towels and pillowcases. But do not worry! Although the process is 100% trial and error based on your hair type, we have compiled a list of all of our favorite curly hair products under $20. Yes, you read that right, it can be done. Take a look at our must have list to get started on your curly girl journey!