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Save Money On Produce!

Do you hate buying fresh produce because you just know you are going to throw it out in a few days? That definitely has been us in the past. Throwing away fresh produce is the equivalent of tossing cash in the trash in our book.

One of the things we’ve tried working on is making sure we only buy the fresh produce we need, but also thoroughly washing our fruits and veggies. While we have been doing this for a little over 6 months know, we can honestly say that the little extra TLC we put in to the storage process has given us almost 14 days of fresh strawberries, cherries, peppers, etc.

Using a fruit and veggie soak, like the Thieves one, helps to get ALL of the dirt, grime, chemicals, and more OUT of your produce – whether you buy organic or not. If you are just tossing these items under the running tap water for a few moments and then tossing in your fridge – You. Are. Doing. This. Wrong. And you are just asking to throw out a moldy bunch of fruit in under 48 hours.

Here’s how we use the Thieves soak to clean our produce, but you can also do this with a 4:1 Water and Vinegar mixture!

  • Add your produce to a large bowl and cover with cool water.
  • Add a capful (tablespoon) of the soak and swirl the produce around the mixture until slight bubbles form at the top.
  • Let sit in the bowl for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse the produce by pouring the contents of the bowl in colander and top with rushing tap water for a few seconds.
  • Lay flat on a dish towel to dry. Cover fruits and veggies with another dish towel. Before topping with a second towel, I also spray the fruit with a water/soak mixture (16:1) for added cleanliness.
  • Let dry for 20 minutes then transfer for storage.

Have you ever done a fruit and veggie soak when washing your produce before?