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Black Friday Gift Guide

One of the things we LOVE the most is finding the perfect gift for someone. There is nothing better than seeing their face light up with they receive something personal to them, or something they dropped hints on for months and months.

While we wish we had a disposable income just so we could give our friends and family the world, we do our best to find some gifts that meet a need but don’t break the bank. That is why we decided to put together some gift guides for you all to use!

Over the next few weeks, expect to see some gift guides tailored to specific people, national shopping days, personality types and more. We have done our best to be thoughtful in curating these guides for you to use, all within a relatively normal gifting budget.

Our first guide is comprised of ALL the best Black Friday Deals. Yes – we looked through tons of circulars to find you the most bang for your buck – you’re welcome! Here you will find gifts for EVERYONE on your list, most of which are normally big ticket items for a decent price. Shop the links below to help us out (it cost’s you nothing but we get a little something back) and start crossing gifts off that list of yours!